This documentary, written by Jose M. Fraguas, reveals for the first time, facts and historical information about the origins of MMA - as a fighting sport - that have never been told to the public. With exclusive interviews with Martial Arts historians, magazine editors, journalists and legendary Martial Arts teachers, the truth about where the MMA comes from, is finally unveiled.
In 1993 something happened that completely changed the history of combat sports around the world. In Denver, Colorado, the first “Ultimate Fighting Championship” took place. Some described it as the “wildest event in the history of sport fighting” ... but be- fore that night of November 12th, a family name had already been established and their members were considered as the “toughest fighters in the world.” They set the foundation of blood and steel for what today is known as MIXED MARTIAL ARTS, the fastest growing sport in the world.
This documentary takes you back to the true origins of the UFC and MMA as we know them today. The original concept was forged in Brazil, until one man in the USA decided that it was the right time to finally answer the old question of “what is the most effective style of Martial Arts” ... and changed the world of fighting sports forever.