by Teruo Chinen
In this series, Sensei Teruo Chinen - a direct disciple of Goju Ryu karate founder Chojun Miyagi and also student of legendary Eiichi Miyazato Sensei at the “Jundokan” dojo, teaches the 12 Goju Ryu kata as well as special exercises and techniques seldom seen outside of Okinawa. In this classic and original “Ancient Warrior Productions” series comprised of 5 DVD, the legendary Karate master, Sensei Teruo Chinen unveils the secrets, principles and techniques of the Okinawa Goju Ryu style of Karate-do.
Volume 3 features Hojo Undo and Junbi Undo, Shisochin kata, Kigu Undo-ishi sashi (stone hand weights), sanseiru kata and seipai kata. (Approx. 58 min.)